Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hello and welcome to our blog.
Your vicarious journey through this blog will bring you to the ends of the earth and back, seeking out only the most thrilling and toe-curling adventures.
You will meet fanciful characters.
You will experience Nature at her most exquisite and untamed.
You will feast upon rattlesnakes, wild mushrooms, and paua.
The stars will no longer hide from you in a blanket of light pollution.
The campfire will be your television set.
You will live in a gypsy caravan with your two best friends and throw your watch away for good.
You will bathe in mountain streams with Dr. Bronners peppermint soap and wonder why you ever needed coffee in the morning.
The gym will be replaced by an axe and a pile of firewood.
You will leave behind your winter doldrums and your daily schedule.
You will marvel at your unwillingness to return.
If at anytime you feel compelled to leave your life behind and join our gypsy caravan, you will be more than welcome.